Pretty good, but I would like an option to crop the borders. Also, there's some kind of bug or error that makes the on screen keyboard not work for colecovision games, as well as some games thinking you're holding down the fire buttons once you exit and re-enter it.
Excellent emulator,but how do you run dsk files
Another crappy computer emulator that only works for games and not computing.
I would give this 5 stars but the developer choose not to support his customers. I want to use colovison roms and the built In keyboard doesn't work for colovison roms. I have no problem with an external joystick but using the built in keyboard for msx doesnt support colovison roms. Msx1 and msx2 roms have no issue with the keyboard. Please email me and I change my review. So if your buying this for colovison roms for using it on a mobile it does not work. You need to map an external joystick but the keyboard works great for msx1 and msx2 roms. Such a pity the mx keyboard doesn't support colovison roms and the description says it does.
Completely incompatible with all the coleco roms I tested. Get ColEm imstead.
Robert's emulators are the best and are so polished. I have never had any issues with any of them on all my devices. If I have had any questions, he quickly responds! Get his emulators, you will not regret it!
Awesome emulator, great job.
While this is primarily MSX it is the best Coleco emu on Android. The Colem one has terrible sound (Try Space Panic, all wrong on Colem) and some games even lag on an Nvidia Shield! This one has MUCH more accurate sound emulation but is not perfect (the digitized voices in games like Squish-em don't work right). Works great on Nvidia Shield with real controls.
I own all of Robert Broglia's emulators, and they are always the best. With a very consistent interface and high compatibility/performance, they set the standard. My only complaint is that he should make more of them!!